Real Love…
Took me a while to get this one out. I wrote the lyrics at the end of April and “tweaked” them in mid-May... since then I’ve been trying to get it “just right”. I don’t think I ever think it’s exactly right... but sometimes you just have to let go. This song marks the...
A Nod to Benny Hill
A bit of silliness. Again the song I was intending on “delivering” decided it’s not ready... So I went to my trusty journal and found something I wrote a few weeks ago. Picked up my acoustic guitar and this fun little ditty fell out of it After I recorded the song I...
This one fell in my lap. It’s been a busy couple of weeks and the song I was working on wasn’t “ready” to deliver (still living with it). I thought I was going to have to give in and not have anything to deliver this week. But I remembered a dark little stream of...
Monsters! Monsters!
Another new song... Reflecting on my(our?) own bad behaviour... And how it (sometimes) seems like, as a group, we are hard-wired to be aweful... Yes it’s work to be good and nice... it’s work to think about “all of us” instead of just “me and mine” I wish I wasn’t...
Come Home… to Florida Pablo Honey…
Well... here’s a brand new song... written recorded and delivered to your sweet little ears in a period of three weeks. Started as a journal entry on March 22nd - finished the video on April 12th. I’m fairly happy with it... this quick turnaround thing stops me from...
Shut the front door!!!
A new song... a bit of fun... some boisterous behaviour. A song for every time I wish I didn’t have to listen to someone else’s opinion or take on anything and everything... And for all those times I wish I’d kept my trap shut and not given my opinion or take on...