So on Wednesday evening I went to see a screening of Séraphine (the 2008 French film about the artist Louis Seraphine – I enjoyed the film but left me wondering why people love to hear the stories of creative genius… (what’s the plural?) who live in obscurity… are manic… go crazy… and art dealers make a lot of money off… oh… I think I answered my own question…).
When I got home I realized… actually I’d been giving it thought earlier in the day but couldn’t come up with a solution…
I realized that I was going to this business networking thing the next morning and that I didn’t have any business cards (having disposed of all mine after our recent address and phone number change)…
a cute kitty looking through a telescope... awwww...So I thought… “hmmm… maybe I could do something creative about that problem”… I decided to make a limited edition business card with an illustration on it… (the idea is that I’ll replace it with a different limited edition card when I have the notion)
Anyway, here’s what I came up with… “awww… cute kitty…”

Suspended in Gaffa?
Where the Wild Things Are