Well Thanksgiving is just a few days away (I AM CANADIAN!) and here’s a little thing I did this morning. What one thing has to do with the other is anybody’s guess but what the hey…

This little number is completely improvisational… so I kept it simple… real simple… three… four chords and this-n-that… Again I have no clue what I’m talking about. I basically challenged myself to put something together in a short amount of time… and actually I’m quite happy with the result… I’m considering using this setup for live performances but it scares the crap out of me to think about doing something improv on the spot in a live performance… so I guess I’m going to have to do it… coz… all the more reason… know what I mean? Enjoy… and Happy Thanksgiving!

PS: Oh and I did say “enemas”! 😛

They Come Again
An animated preview