This song was a “process” song. I sort of switched things up when I was writing this piece. I often start with just my guitar and an old journal entry in my hands or a phrase in my head. Sometimes I just start playing a thing on the guitar and the words start coming.
With this piece I started by building up a tune… with guitar… then an overlayed guitar bit… then a drum… then keys… bit by bit… then a different bit that worked with the first in some way. The process delivered an arrangement of music (I recorded and arranged sections on my laptop). Once I had this piece of music I picked up my journal and grazed around a bit… and I found some stuff I had scribbled there over time. A number of bits and pieces came together and created a “context” of sorts… then some new words sort of wrote themselves into the mix and a finished song arrived at some point (after quite a bit of “processing”).
It’s not really my intent to be a “songwriter” who writes songs because he is a songwriter… I can’t really help it – the whole process I describe above wasn’t something I made a decision to persue… the thing sort of crept up and dragged me along into its lair… and I went along with it because I was mesmerized by her (my muse if you will…). Anyway hope you like it.