I write songs to exorcise my own “demons” and to work through relational or social interactions. Episodes in my life tend to stay with me and replay in my head over and over. I can put some of the stuff to rest by exploring elements of it. This song is sort of like that – though I do abhor specificity… so song subject matter isn’t usually autobiographical – rather there are general themes and ideas which capture something for me.

I am also a voyeur of human behaviour in general… and fairly introspective (I tend to disect a lot of what I say and do) – the “pop song” format (yes I realize a lot of what I do isn’t “pop”) is a way of quickly getting ideas out… painting a picture and getting to the point in approximately 3 minutes (give or take)…

Anyway, um… what was the point? Hope you enjoy this episode! 😛

At Any Given Moment...
Song On Demand - Episode Eighteen