A journal entry – actually from 6 days ago…
I don’t like using the word “artist”: Seems a bit pointless – too many flaws… a vague definition… and also too constraining. Don’t wanna call myself anything… But how do you communicate the thing you are doing? How do you help the world understand the purpose you were planted here for and why it needs to get done? It’s no more important than anyone else’s reason… but it’s no less either. Why care what anyone thinks? Not sure… But part of my stuff has to do with some kind of communication… and who am i talking too? Myself a lot of the time… But it is within that dialogue where the stuff exists… the “stuff” that is mine to do something with. And it comes back around to “artist”- Because when i Look around at who are the people who do that kind of thing… and i discover that they end up being called “artists”… oh bother….
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Definitions… On Being an Artist… or not to be…
Check out some of my art stuff available at RedBubble – Great Gifts… Support the Arts 🙂