Catching up…

Catching up…

day7 (“make/deliver” something every week day - missed a couple of days... Actually had some stuff to post but didn't get to it... need to make it more of a habit!) Here is a little rig I cobbled together so that I can hold my phone steady while I do some rudimentary...

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A Toothy Monster

A Toothy Monster

day6 (“make/deliver” something every week day - missed a day yesterday) Working on something... not sure where it’s going... but I made this as part of it... A bit of a blurry picture... but you know...

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Reflections on working at being “better”…

day5 (“make/deliver” something every week day) I am setting expectations...designed to fail...because i know the alternatives are terrifying... I will subscribe to the common belief - that we are weak and imperfect... and find solace in the fact that we will...

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Little Easter Egg Man

Little Easter Egg Man

Day 4: I didn’t say it would be pretty... So I grabbed some of those little Hershey easter eggs and molded them by hand ( with the help of a little warm water, a toothpick, and my tongue... Interesting and very tactile... and kind of gross in the end... but I kinda...

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Day3: I have no idea... but I think that I am modifying the aim to be “deliver” something every day... and maybe not weekends. As for this piece... like I said... I have no idea.

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Lizard Brain

Lizard Brain

DAY2: Sometimes it feels like you can’t get anything productive done because there’s that annoying litlle voice in your head that is so anxious, infantile and demanding... and in charge...

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I’m not entirely sure what it is I’m starting here... but i have a sense that i need to START... there is a general discontent... and a dis-connection that leads to ennui and hopelessness — rooted, i believe, in inactivity... so today i decided to DO something about...

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Set it Free…

Set it Free…

I can remember so many times when I held on to something so tightly because I was afraid that I would lose it that I lost it... and some part of myself. It sucks when you can’t trust that something... or someone will stay just because they want to...

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