Hi, I’m Steve Caston.

I am a singer/songwriter, musician, visual artist and video dabbler.

My work is all created with a hi-tech/low-tech ethic… Stream of consciousness…. unconscious… a mishmash and a striving for context… despite what I try to “think”… And in opposition to the overpowering urge to self-censor…

Drawing on Da-Da, Bowie, Kate Bush, Monty Python, Joe Strummer, William Burroughs, Carl Jung, Sting, Bob Wiseman, Edvard Munch, Maurice Sendak, Elvis Presley, the Beatles, the Stones, The Clash, The Smiths, The Cure, Jenny Lewis, Neko Case… (I will add to this list as I think more about it 🙂

My hope is that some of aspect of my work will speak for and to you.
