This is another “process driven” songs and accompanying visuals.
I keep talking about “process” but present “finished” pieces. I think I need to remedy that. I follow a guy named Austin Kleon who preaches Showing Your Work – an idea I find compelling and pertinent to what I’m all about doing with my “art” (parentheses there because the idea of making “art” is a contentious one for me… still “processing” that… probably easier to do in the context of a song… hmmm… have I already explored that? Sometimes I forget… um… sorry – have I lost you?)
Anyhack! Anyhow… I took the lyrics to this piece from stuff I wrote in my journal in early March… then started arranging and adding bits of text – then played my guitar to it. Next I build up different sections of the song and arranged them. Around that time I was having some thoughts about visuals.
The recording process took me a while… just getting things to sound right and lay down vocals that I was happy with.
Took a long time to get the idea together for the “video”… I rehearsed and rehearsed “acting”… Did a bit of a breakdown by sketching thumbnails of what I wanted to see happen – after a lot of worrying I just shot the segments I needed and then spent a couple of days editing it all together…
Anyway – that’s a bit about the process in retrospect. I think I need to keep notes as I go through the process and post some of that stuff to social media and what-not. Just in case someone finds it interesting… or something.
Here’s the finished piece… hope you like it.